Starting Solids Workshops
Babies grow so fast! Before you know it, you'll begin thinking about transitioning your baby from their milk feeds onto solid foods. Whether you decide to go with purees and spoon feeding, or move directly onto finger foods, you may have questions about the different approaches and the practical issues about getting started. This workshop will allow you to explore the different options, together with other parents going through this transition themselves.
I will provide up-to-date and evidence-based information on the recommendations for how and when to introduce solid foods, as well as how to keep your baby safe. In addition to sharing information, my goal is to help you build confidence in the decisions you make about how to transition your baby onto solid foods.
Specifically, we will discuss:
- different approaches to introducing solid foods,
exploring the pros and cons of each
- how to determine your baby's readiness for solid foods and what the current guidelines suggest
- safety issues, such as introducing allergenic foods and recognising the difference between choking and gagging
- meal planning and how you can adapt your family's normal foods to be suitable for your baby

In-person workshops take place on Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 at LilyBee in Zürich
(Rosengartenstrasse 10, 8037)
Upcoming course dates:
15 February
14 March
11 April
6 June
4 July
Cost: 65 CHF*
(*60 CHF for Newborn Mums/Bonding with Baby participants; half price for second parent/carer from the same family)
Online workshops take place on the third Tuesday of each month from 13:30 to 15:30 using Zoom
(joining details sent in advance of the session)
Upcoming course dates:
23 January 2024
20 February 2024
19 March 2024
Cost: 55 CHF*
(*50 CHF for Newborn Mums/Bonding with Baby participants; 75 CHF for two parents/carers from the same family)
Please note that a minimum of 3 registrants is needed for a course to go ahead.